Situated near the top of our stunning country is Portrush. With the 5 millimetre wetsuit on we hit the waves with the surf project and we couldn't have chosen a better weekend for waves. If you have never surfed before, I recommend this small little surf town.
Portrush, Co Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |
Portrush Beach, Co. Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |
After our Saturday morning surf, we went for a (freezing cold) walk along Portrush beach which gave me time to snap away. This was the time to chat to the youth and build relationships and friendships which was one of my favourite parts of the weekend. Also a film crew was following us around for the weekend to make a promo video for 'The Surf Project', who facilitated the whole weekend for us. Keep an eye our for this video as there's a scene of, yours truly and one of the lads walking along the beach chatting!
Portrush beach, Co. Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |
Portrush town, Co. Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |
Heading to @loveportrush to surf for the weekend! Might have to miss Twitter 😨 I'll try find #wifi! Have a good weekend! #miniholiday
— Andy Waller (@AndyIWaller) November 20, 2015
@TAURA113 @AndyIWaller @loveportrush we're all surfer dudes up here! Free wifi and awesome coffee awaits you
— Ground Espresso Bars (@groundespresso) November 20, 2015
People are so friendly up there!
Caves, Portrush beach, Co. Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |
It was like Portrush was waving us off as we left on Sunday afternoon too with the sky like it was in the next picture! The whole weekend was stunning and great fun! I want to go back Portrush so i'll be seeing you soon!
Portrush send off! Co. Antrim. Photo: Andy Waller |